Episode 1: Blessings and Curses

Traci shares her experience living with bipolar disorder, highlighting its unpredictable nature and the challenges of managing it. She emphasizes the need for empathy and understanding, suggesting that experiencing a day of living with a mental illness could increase compassion. Traci discusses the difficulty of differentiating normal emotional fluctuations from symptoms of a medical condition and stresses the importance of seeking appropriate support and treatment. She also reflects on the impact of age and experience on managing her condition, advocating for openness and support to break down stigmas. Traci acknowledges the occasional benefits of manic episodes, such as increased productivity, but also notes the potential for subsequent crashes. Together with Eric, she discusses the stigmas and misconceptions surrounding mental illnesses, emphasizing the need for empathy, education, and open communication to support those affected. Overall, Traci’s journey underscores the complexities of managing mental illnesses and the importance of empathy, understanding, and support for individuals facing these challenges.

Episode 2: Social Anxiety

Understanding Social Anxiety: A Deep Dive explores the complexities of social anxiety, also known as social phobia, as a mental health condition. It delves into the intense fear and self-consciousness individuals with social anxiety experience in social situations, making everyday interactions challenging. The article emphasizes that social anxiety is not merely shyness but a debilitating condition that can lead to isolation, low self-esteem, and difficulty in relationships. It highlights the importance of empathy and support in creating a safe environment for those dealing with social anxiety.

Episode 3: Cutting

In this episode of “Stigmas and Open Wounds,” hosts Traci and Eric delve into the complexities of overcoming the impulse to self-harm, underscoring the significance of discovering healthy coping strategies. They illuminate the non-linear path of recovery, with Traci openly discussing her ongoing battles and setbacks. The dialogue also delves into the seasonal effects on mental well-being and the value of seeking connection with others who share similar struggles. Encouraging listeners to share their own narratives, the hosts stress the importance of fostering a supportive community for individuals facing mental health hurdles. Ultimately, the episode underscores that the healing process is a unique journey that demands empathy, support, and resilience.


Bonus: My Setback/Preview to the Changing Seasons

This episode provides tips and insights for dealing with seasonal changes and setbacks, particularly focusing on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It discusses the impact of seasonal changes on mental health, coping strategies such as exposure to sunlight, exercise, healthy diet, mindfulness, and seeking professional help. It also reflects on personal setbacks and the importance of seeking support and developing proactive plans to manage symptoms. We emphasize the importance of prioritizing mental health and utilizing available resources for support.

Episode 4: From a Mom's Point of View

“Exploring Mental Health Challenges: A Dialogue with Lana Koepsel” features Traci and her mother sharing insights into Traci’s journey with depression and bipolar disorder. They recount early signs of her condition, including perfectionism and anxiety, evident since childhood. Traci’s adolescence was marked by social anxiety and body image concerns, which compounded her mental health struggles. The conversation traces their path to diagnosis and acceptance of Traci’s mental health issues, emphasizing the need for understanding and support for those with similar challenges. Lana discusses her role in Traci’s support system, underscoring the importance of empathy and assistance for individuals with mental illness. The dialogue also touches on how mental illness can strain relationships, with Traci often concealing her difficulties from loved ones. Despite this, they highlight the power of acceptance and understanding, aiming to foster greater empathy and support for those in similar situations. Ultimately, the discussion advocates for open conversations and unwavering support to cultivate a more inclusive and compassionate society for individuals managing mental health conditions.

The conversation highlights their journey to seek a diagnosis and accept Traci’s mental health struggles, emphasizing the importance of understanding and supporting individuals with mental illness. Lana discusses her role in supporting Traci and emphasizes the significance of empathy and support in helping those with mental illness.

The dialogue also addresses the impact of mental illness on relationships, with Traci often hiding her struggles from loved ones. However, they emphasize the power of acceptance and understanding, hoping to inspire greater empathy and support for those facing similar challenges. Overall, the conversation advocates for open discussions and unconditional support to create a more inclusive and compassionate society for individuals living with mental illness.

Episode 5: Suicide

“Understanding Suicide: A Candid Conversation” is an episode of Stigmas and Open Wounds where Traci and Eric discuss their personal experiences and thoughts on suicide. They emphasize the importance of seeking help and support, providing resources for suicide hotlines and encouraging listeners to reach out for assistance. Traci shares a message of hope, urging listeners to understand that it’s okay to struggle and to seek help. She opens up about her own struggles with suicidal thoughts and shares coping mechanisms, emphasizing the importance of finding joy in small tasks and seeking support from others. The conversation highlights the complexities of suicidal thoughts and aims to provide support and guidance to those facing similar challenges.

Episode 6: Mental Health First Aid Training

Understanding Suicide: A Candid Conversation” features Traci and Eric discussing their personal experiences with suicidal thoughts. They stress the importance of seeking help and support, providing resources for suicide hotlines. Traci shares a message of hope, encouraging listeners to understand that it’s okay to struggle and to seek help. She opens up about her own struggles and shares coping mechanisms. The conversation aims to provide support and guidance to those facing similar challenges, highlighting the importance of empathy, understanding, and seeking help.

Episode 7: Seasonal Depression

Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)” discusses the impact of seasonal changes on mood and well-being. Traci and Eric share personal experiences and coping strategies for recognizing and managing seasonal depression. They highlight signs of SAD, such as sleep changes and social withdrawal, and suggest coping strategies like exercise, light therapy, and seeking professional help. They emphasize the importance of self-care, creating a supportive environment, and finding joy in small things. The episode encourages communication with healthcare professionals and self-awareness in managing SAD, reassuring listeners that it’s okay to prioritize mental health and seek help when needed.

Episode 8: Depression Aftermath

“Understanding Depression Aftermath and Coping Strategies” explores the challenges individuals face after experiencing a depressive episode. Traci and Eric discuss the concept of depression aftermath, highlighting feelings of exhaustion, overwhelm, and difficulty resuming daily activities. They offer coping strategies, including accepting help from others, organizing tasks, planning and scheduling, seeking supportive environments, and practicing self-reflection and setting boundaries. The episode emphasizes the importance of seeking support and prioritizing well-being during the recovery process.Listeners are reassured that they are not alone and that resources and assistance are available to help them navigate the aftermath of depression.

Episode 9: Mixed Episodes

Traci shares her experience with clinical depression, highlighting the importance of support. She discusses reaching out to a friend for help, receiving a diagnosis, starting medication, and the role of support and understanding in her recovery. Understanding and empathizing with those with depression is crucial. Traci reflects on her journey of overcoming depression, emphasizing support and seeking professional help. She discusses the challenges, finding strength, personal growth, and the positive impact of seeking help. Clinical depression requires understanding and support, and seeking help is essential for management and recovery.

Episode 10: The Therapist Search

In this episode, Traci and Eric discuss the importance of finding the right therapist, drawing from Traci’s recent experience in finding a new psychiatrist. Traci emphasizes the significance of being open to trying different therapists until you find the right fit. She provides tips for finding the right therapist, such as consulting provider directories, asking for recommendations, using online databases, and exploring local resources. Traci also highlights the benefits of online therapy and stresses the importance of open communication with your therapist. The post concludes by emphasizing the crucial role of finding a therapist who understands and supports your needs in managing mental health and well-being.


Episode 11: Lessons From a Bipolar Traveler- tips for getting the most out of life

Traci and Eric discuss the challenges of traveling with bipolar disorder in this episode of Stigmas and Open Wounds. Traci provides practical tips for enhancing travel experiences, including staying grounded, embracing relaxation, prioritizing self-care, trusting instincts, and cultivating gratitude. They emphasize the importance of mindfulness and gratitude in elevating travel experiences. Additionally, they recommend the show “As We See It” for its portrayal of individuals on the autism spectrum. Despite the challenges, with the right approach, individuals can optimize their travel experiences and cultivate well-being.

Episode 12: My Rough Patch: Anxiety Overload

Traci discusses her journey of coping with anxiety in this blog post on Stigmas and Open Wounds. She emphasizes the importance of natural coping mechanisms, sharing strategies that have helped her manage anxiety. Traci highlights the need to personalize coping methods, acknowledging that what works for one person may not work for another. She suggests exploring various coping strategies, such as mindless activities, meditation, massage therapy, and worry journaling, to find what works best. Traci also notes that these techniques can be beneficial for managing everyday stress and worries, not just anxiety. She concludes by encouraging readers to prioritize their mental well-being and seek professional help if needed.


Episode 13: Do Authors Get Anxiety?

Traci and Eric welcome guest Gavin Schmitt to discuss his experience with anxiety and coping mechanisms on Stigmas and Open Wounds. Gavin shares his struggles with anxiety, including his first panic attack at 21 and the impact on his daily life. He explains how he identified triggers and developed coping mechanisms, such as creating a sense of comfort in triggering situations. Gavin also discusses how his experience has increased his compassion and awareness of mental health issues in others. He reflects on making adjustments and maintaining a positive mindset to prevent anxiety attacks. Gavin’s story highlights the importance of developing coping mechanisms, showing empathy towards others, and seeking support for mental health issues.

Episode 14: Turning the Tables- Ask Eric

In this episode of Stigmas and Open Wounds, Traci interviews Eric about his experience supporting a partner with depression. Eric recalls his initial lack of understanding about depression but acknowledges that over the years, it has become easier to support Traci. Being with Traci has taught Eric patience, understanding, and empathy, and has made him more aware of the prevalence and complexity of mental illness. He emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and open environment for discussing mental health and destigmatizing the conversation around it.

Episode 15: The Impact of the Spoonie Community: A Personal Journey

The Spoonie theory has created a community where individuals with invisible illnesses can connect, empathize, and feel understood. This sense of belonging offers validation and support. Host Traci’s excitement upon discovering the Spoonie theory reflects its empowering impact. In the next episode, the podcast will explore how being part of the Spoonie community has affected Traci personally. The podcast encourages feedback and reminds listeners that they are not alone, with the Spoonie community ready to provide support.

Episode 16: Navigating Mental Health Challenges: A Journey of Understanding and Growth

Traci and Eric discuss the challenges of managing mental health in their podcast, Stigmas and Open Wounds. They share personal experiences, highlighting the importance of self-awareness, mutual support, and education. Their journey underscores the significance of understanding and empathy in navigating mental health challenges. They advocate for raising awareness to reduce stigma and offer insights for supporting individuals with mental illness.

Episode 17: Understanding Sensory Overload: Symptoms and Management

Traci and Eric explore sensory overload, discussing its definition, symptoms, and management. They note that it can affect anyone but is particularly common in individuals with autism, PTSD, and sensory processing disorders. Symptoms include discomfort, sensitivity to stimuli, anxiety, and irritability. Management strategies include avoiding triggers, seeking support, and creating safe spaces. They also discuss the stigma around mental illness and advocate for education and understanding.

Episode 18: Understanding Empaths: Signs and Traits

Traci and Eric explore the traits and challenges of empaths in a captivating conversation. They highlight the importance of setting boundaries to prevent emotional depletion and discuss the unique perspectives empaths bring to the world. Coping with sensory and emotional overload is addressed, emphasizing self-compassion and mindfulness. The benefits of being an empath, such as being intuitive and empathetic, are acknowledged. Additionally, they touch on the origins of empathy, suggesting a correlation with mental health literacy. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the need for empathy and understanding towards individuals with heightened sensitivity.

Episode 19: Mental Health Foods

Traci and Eric discuss the impact of diet on bipolar disorder and mental health in an episode of their podcast. They advise listeners to be mindful of how certain foods can affect mood and well-being. The hosts highlight foods to avoid, such as caffeine and alcohol, and emphasize the importance of consulting healthcare professionals about dietary considerations, especially regarding medication interactions.

Traci and Eric discuss the effects of diet on bipolar disorder and mental health, advising listeners to make informed dietary choices. They highlight foods to avoid and stress the importance of consulting healthcare professionals about dietary considerations.

Episode 20: Overthinkers

Traci and Eric discuss overthinking in this podcast episode, highlighting its dual nature as both a problem-solving tool and a source of anxiety. They emphasize the need to recognize when overthinking becomes harmful and provide coping mechanisms such as talk therapy, distraction, journaling, meditation, and addressing the root cause. The hosts encourage listeners to share their experiences and coping strategies, fostering a supportive environment for discussing mental health challenges.